You should know that. The tips of betting Slot.

The slot is using leverage to maximize returns and also is a popular online game. The key to winning is choosing the machine. Do you know how to choose the slot with the highest return? How do you know this slot could bet now or not? The secret of the Slot machine is the highest return patterns. Let’s share how to test the period of the lottery draw. Don’t interfere with the low variance.

Home » You should know that. The tips of betting Slot.

The slot is using leverage to maximize returns and also is a popular online game. The key to winning is choosing the machine. Do you know how to choose the slot with the highest return? How do you know this slot could bet now or not? The secret of the Slot machine is the highest return patterns. Let’s share how to test the period of the lottery draw. Don’t interfere with the low variance.

The bug of Slot? You should know the period of slot volatility.

If you would like to hit the jackpot not only reply on luck.
According to the theory of slot machines, there are divided into 3 cycles, such as high, medium, and low. Through the simple test to determine which cycle of slot machine is. Whether it is worth betting or not.

  1. Low variance: It is difficult to hit the jackpot during the low variance cycle. During this period, there are only small prizes. Some slot machine is rarely rewarded to the players. By betting a small amount to determine which cycle of this slot machine is. If there are no prizes, you could observe or change the slot machine.
  2. High variance: This is the happiest moment during the cycle of high variance. To assume that keeping win the prizes by betting a small amount then raise the bet amount to enjoy the high variance cycle. That only grasp the cycle of high variance you would win to linger.
  3. Medium variance: To assume that you use any slot skills, you still don’t figure out the patterns. It means you are at the medium variance period. The best way is to change the slot machine.

The strategy of Slot machine: Stop loss in time

How to save money by winning the prizes Slot machine? If you already grasp the odds and the period of lottery draw of the online gambling Slot. The next level is an advanced expert reflection for reducing the bet cost.

  1. The skills of Slot machines: Do not hesitate to change the slot machines. If you don’t win the prizes by 6/8/10 times at the same slot machine. Please leave immediately.
  2. If you have already changed up to 5 slot machines, it means that machines are all at a low variance. Please cash out immediately.
  3. While the slot machine loses the accuracy: Please keep the principal. To set the daily betting amount if you want to win, please keep your chips first. By making money with the money, you win. While the favorite slot machine loses the accuracy, you should abide by the set amount and fight on another day.

Understand the above skills, it is not a dream to win the jackpot. Choose your favorite slot machine now.