cted the outcome of the weekend’s eight games with Manchester City beating West Ham 3-1 away and Tottenham And Arsenal drawing.
cted the outcome of the weekend’s eight games with Manchester City beating West Ham 3-1 away and Tottenham And Arsenal drawing.
Cras in nisi id turpis cursus vulputate. Aliquam at sapien non tellus congue efStar City, May 13 – With round 37 of the Premier League coming up, Sky Sports has predicted the outcome of the weekend’s eight games with Manchester City beating West Ham 3-1 away and Tottenham And Arsenal drawing.
Sky Sports predictions for this weekend’s eight Premier League results:
Tottenham 1-1 Burnley
Villa 2-2 Crystal Palace
Leeds united 1-0 Brighton
Watford 0-2 Leicester City
West Ham 1-3 Manchester City
Wolves 0-2 Norwich
Everton 0-0 Brentford
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